PBobfuscator 2010.11.01

PBobfuscator is a simple, easy to use application designed to help you compile .pbd files with just a few clicks. The application also allow you to analize .exe or .dll thus trying to offer developers a complete programming tool. · Modify some of the key parameters of the early induction of some anti-compiler crash. No one safeguard against the compiler let him out of applications to break it. The project to restore, if it is another. · Code to confuse the part of the principle of reference LJTT the PowerShield1.0 simple version, based on its expansion in some new way. Also some things in mind, yet to achieve. · by adding random variation factor, which makes the algorithms more difficult against confusion; · increase in deception and logic traps, these traps can be analyzed by the human eye and discovery, but because the human brain is the logical thinking ability, and rely on programming to understand I can not fake fake code logical.

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