HTML-Optimizer Pro 5.11

Besides optimizing, the program can check for dangling tags, missing attributes and broken links and convert special characters HTML-Optimizer Pro will save space on your web pages by removing unnecesarry characters and tags, checks the tagged pair structure of your web pages, will check the validity of your hyperlinks and much more. HTML-Optimizer Pro is recommended if you manage more than one web site and/or you need extras like tag and link checking. HTML-Optimizer Pro speeds up your web site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your web pages. It helps you keep organized by creating a duplicate site folder for the optimized files. An added benefit is that it leaves your original files untouched. HTML-Optimizer Pro features Smart Handling which means that only those pages that have changed are processed. Besides optimizing, the program can also check for dangling tags, missing attributes and broken links and convert special characters. You are advised to use your original web folder when you want to edit and use the duplicate web folder for uploading. Limitations: · 30 days trial · You can optimize only 70% of your total number of web files in one pass. What’s New in This Release: · Added the option to put Google Analytics code just before the tag of each optimized file, for each web folder separately. · Changed “Font Size of Lists, Logs and Manual” under the Extra tab of Options to “Font Size of Main Window Logs”. · “File Extensions” under the Filters tab of Options is no longer an advanced setting.

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