CryptoLicensing For MFC 2011 R2

CryptoLicensing for MFC provides a robust, yet easy way to add licensing, copy-protection and activation capabilities to your MFC, ATL or C++ applications, libraries, components and controls. CryptoLicensing uses the latest military strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to generate secure and unbreakable licenses to ensure that your software and intellectual property is protected. · Protect your intellectual property, increase sales and maximize ROI Variety of licensing rules for the most common licensing scenarios: · Create cryptographic licenses for full versions of your software · Create evaluation or trial versions · Add online or manual activation and hardware locking · On-demand licenses · Subscription licenses · Flexible and adaptable licensing to suit your exact needs · Secure and unbreakable cryptographic licenses offer maximum protection to your software · User friendly activation and hardware locking scheme · Fast, reliable, light-weight and simple API to integrate in your software

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