Microsoft StyleCop Alpha / RTW

Analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. Microsoft StyleCop was designed to analyze C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It can be run from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project The general idea is to enable the tool for all of your solutions, but disable the tool from analyzing all pre-existing C# files. This provides the following advantages: – One day one, StyleCop will not generate any violations against your code, and will have zero measurable impact on your team. – Each time a new C# file is added to any project in your solutions, StyleCop will begin analyzing the code in that file. This will ensure that code in new files will be compliant from the start. – Over time, pre-existing files can be slowly cleaned up and introduced to StyleCop one by one. This technique will allow your developers to slowly get used to the tool over time, without having to be confronted with thousands of StyleCop violations on day one. Requirements: · Visual Studio What’s New in This Release: · This release contains 220 bug fixes since the 4.4 RTW release and also includes 5 new rules. Support for the async CTP is also added. · SA1125 – UseShorthandForNullableTypes · SA1411 – AttributeConstructorMustNotUseUnnecessaryParenthesis · SA1517 – CodeMustNotContainBlankLinesAtStartOfFile · SA1518 – CodeMustNotContainBlankLinesAtEndOfFile · SA1649 – FileHeaderFileNameDocumentationMustMatchTypeName

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